Sunday, February 17, 2008

Wheatgrass Juice - Four Reasons To Drink It

When you take living wheatgrass juice it and take a shot of the fresh liquid, almost immediately the nutrients travel into the bloodstream and every cell, system and organ of the body becomes energized. Many people know that wheatgrass juice is good for the acid alkaline balance of the body, but many people are not aware of the other top reasons for drinking it. From how it energizes the body, the nutrients it delivers, how they build up the bodys cells, and how it cleanses the body of unhealthy toxins. This article will discuss the top four reasons for drinking fresh or powdered wheatgrass juice.

1. Energy

The amount of energy that comes from a shot of this juice in the morning is incredible. It is a great idea to start every morning with a shot of fresh wheatgrass juice as an alternative to drinking tea or coffee. It has been often said that two shots of whatgrass juice is a near equivalent to three pounds of fresh vegetables in vitamins, minerals and live nutrient energy. Just like how dark green spinach leaves contain concentrated nutrients, it is filled with many of the same elements.

2. Nutrients

The human body only requires so many different vitamins and minerals to function effectively through life. As far as the digestive system is concerned, two or three shots of fresh grass can contain enough nutrient to replace a meal. This is because we need to eat enough vegetables on a regular basis to fulfill our needs for complete protein, over thirty different enzymes and fresh chlorophyll. Our body requires vegetables to keep a balanced level of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulphur, cobalt, and zinc. But can we build our bodies with anything other then natural foods?

3. Growth

Our body's digestive system always needs high amounts of chlorophyll and enzymes to function at its best. In order to deliver nutrients to the cells of the body, we need healthy hemoglobin cells in our blood. The chlorophyll that comes from whatgrass juice and other green vegetables contains proteins that closely match that of our body's molecules. This way we build our blood cells which in turn increases the oxygen that they can deliver to the organs and systems of the body. It assists the body in rebuilding cells while also lowing the blood pressure. But how can it build the body while simultaneously cleansing the body of toxins?

4. Detox

The cells of the body are able to eliminate waste and toxins through the lymph system. The lymph system bathes the cells and carries away the waste. The amount of lymph in your body is three times that off the blood in the body. There are a number of factors in wheatgrass juice that stimulate this system by eliminating mucus, clearing the joints and muscles while clearing the stomach. This is how the body begins the process of sweating out toxins that accumulate in the cells of the body.

When you consider nutrition and health, there are much more then four reasons to regularly drink wheatgrass juice. But on a more basic level, giving the body more energy, more nutrients, more cell growth, while stimulating the lymph system to detox are critical to living health. Because the health of your body is in direct relation to the health of your cells, systems and organs of the body.

Peter Hill is an author and nutrition consultant. He runs an informational website with a healthy recipe guide, a 12 week meal plan, smoothie nutrition and wheatgrass juicing guide. Make sure to take advantage of this and much more at

Wheatgrass - Mother Natures Own Medicine

by Christopher J Williams

Wheatgrass is grown from wheatberries (or wheat grain) as a sprouted seed which matures at usually 7-10 days for indoor grown wheatgrass. Outdoor varieties of wheatgrass are also grown and have a longer, and more typical, field grown crop harvesting period as opposed to the younger sprouting variety. When the young sprouted wheatgrass reaches about 7 -10 inches in high, at a period of typically between 7 -10 days, it is ready for harvesting.

Since wheatgrass is a fibrous thin plant indigestible to humans, it is typically juiced using a suitable wheatgrass juicer and ingested in small amounts of generally 1-2 ounces per day. It has long been promoted as a superfood with many natural healing benefits due to it's high chlorophyl content and multi nutrient contents, and was the main source of nutrition and recuperation recommended by Dr Ann Wigmore, founder of the Hippocrates Institute. Dr Wigmore, like many others, discovered the beneficial healing properties of wheatgrass at a critical time in her life, when modern medicine could not cure her own ailments and she decided to resort to traditional herbal remedies, remembering that her grandmother was an avid believer in natural remedies to aid in healing.

Although there is believed to be no hard scientific evidence supporting the beneficial healing properties of wheatgrass, there was a series of studies conducted in the 1940's into chlorophyl, the main constituent of wheatgrass (around 70%), which was largely funded by Charles Kettering, Chairman of the Board of General Motors. Researchers discovered that chlorophyl was a natural healer, and had aided in the cure of many ailments and illnesses, such as ulcers, blood conditions and more. The AMA accepted the cereal grasses as a natural vitamin food in 1939.

In the early 1940's medical doctors studied a substance called chlorophyll. Charles Kettering, then Chairman of the Board of General Motors funded much fo the research that was done. Medical doctors found that chlorophyll was a wonderful healer--that it cured all kinds of things: peptic ulcers, sinus infections, anemia, etc. The AMA actually accepted the cereal grasses as natural vitamin food in 1939!

Since that period, and over the future decades, many users of wheatgrass have proclaimed it's 'miraculous' healing and cleansing properties, including many people who have been stricken with incurable cancers and other terminal illnesses. Following a regime of wheatgrass usage, great healing has taken place naturally in many people. The strict regimes followed by seriously ill users has typically been consuming several 30 ml doses of wheatgrass orally, and regular wheatgrass enemas of up to 8 ounces on a daily basis for several months, together with a juicing and raw foods diet, whilst abstaining from cooked foods and ready made foods or the processed foods which we typically consume today, which many healthy living proponents proclaim is responsible for many illnesses which strike down people in the modern age.

Wheatgrass contains vitamin A, vitamin C, B complex vitamins, vitamins E and K. Wheatgrass also contains 82 out of the 92 minerals found in soil including Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, Potassium, Phosphorus and Cobalt, and the high cholorphyll content of wheatgrass also acts as a powerful detoxifier cleansing the liver, cells, tissues and blood. It is these qualities that some modern medical practitioners believe could well be the reasons that wheatgrass has aided the recovery of many terminally ill patients.

There are three key enzymes which are believed to have significant anti-oxidant properties, one of which is Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), which is present in wheat grass. It has been shown that cancerous cells are deficient or completely lacking in the anti-oxidant SOD, and consequently a diet consisting of regular wheatgrass doses of typically 1-2 fluid ounces (30-60ml) daily can assist the body in fighting or defeating carcinogens or cancer causing radicals in the body. Anti-Oxidants also clean the body of free radicals, which can reduce or eliminate cell mutation (or avoid it if taken regularly prior to the onset). Cell-mutation takes place in the early stages of cancer and other terminal illnesses, and free radicals contribute to the mutation.

Despite it's somewhat strong taste (wheatgrass is an acquired taste!), wheatgrass is, without doubt, a miracle performing natural product which mother nature has already provided for our good, yet few people know of or are aware of it's benefits. Wheatgrass is such a concentrated source of chlorophyll and other nutrients that about 2 ounces of juice provides the same nourishment as up to 4 pounds of fresh green vegetables!

Have you had your wheatgrass shot today? If not, it's time you tried this incredible wonderfood.